Over the years there have been more trendy diets than you can shake a stick at. From the Atkins Diet to the Cabbage Soup Diet, each eating regime claims to be the best thing to lose weight and to get healthy. Yet, recently, there has been a trend towards very extreme diets. Some of the […]
Most people tend to think of anorexia as a disease that affects young women and teenage girls. However, this is certainly not the case. Although there is a growing awareness that anorexia and other eating disorders don’t discriminate on grounds of sex, race, age or sexuality, there is still a stereotypical view of what an […]
How did you spend your days in college? These days, four out of five college students use alcohol — and half of all college drinkers are binge drinkers (meaning that men consume 5+ drinks and women consume 4+ drinks over the course of two hours). Binge drinking is dangerous on its own, but when combined […]
When you picture someone with an eating disorder, what do you see? We often think of eating disorders as a disease affecting white, wealthy, cis-gendered teenage girls — when in reality, the breadth of who can be diagnosed with an eating disorder stretches far wider. In fact, the LGBTQ community is disproportionately affected by eating […]
When friends and family find out that someone they love has an eating disorder, we hope they react with love, compassion, and support. However, some may respond with “victim-blaming, cattiness or awkward silence,” as Bustle writes — in no small part due to harmful stereotypes about people with eating disorders. Eating disorder stereotypes are, unfortunately, […]
Many people have eating disorders, so it stands to reason that there is probably going to be someone in your workplace who is a sufferer. There are also many things that can trigger eating disorders to develop. Lots of people think that that the main culprits are self-esteem issues due to unrealistic portrayals of body […]
Social media seems to have pervaded through every element of our lives. Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter… we’re all addicted to feeds whether from friends and family or from influencers. As the number of these feeds depicting exotic vacations, picture-perfect moments and filtered images of slim and beautiful increase models, our self-confidence decreases, and our mental health […]
It’s that time of year again! January is a month when many of us are focused on our goals for our health, our work, our relationships — and, of course, our eating disorder recovery. If you are living with an eating disorder, what better time of year is there to refocus and set goals than […]
Body dysmorphic disorder isn’t just a women’s issue; in fact, recent studies have shown that just as many men as women struggle with body dysmorphia. Currently, there is a surprisingly high number of males who are concerned or dissatisfied with their body appearance. That number has nearly tripled over the past 25 years, and now […]
“It has to be perfect.” “Anything less than perfection is a failure.” “I should never make mistakes.” Ever notice these thoughts running through your head? You may have a problem with perfectionism.