Asking for help is challenging for many who struggle with a chronic mental health condition. To ask for help means you must admit something is wrong. For many who struggle with disordered eating or another mental health struggle, this admission or acceptance is something they would rather not discuss or mention. Asking for help means […]
Anxiety is a normal reaction to many events in our day-to-day lives. Certain situations, people, or circumstances can lead to a minor feeling of worry or apprehension about what is to come next. These things do not need to be “bad” to produce anxiety. Any event, positive or negative, can lead to anxiety. Consider childbirth, […]
Self-love and self-compassion are key ingredients when it comes to fostering your mental (and physical) health and overall well-being.
Body image struggles plague almost everyone at some point in their lives. Many people are concerned about gaining too much weight, especially with the social stigmas and physical health complications surrounding obesity. Concerns about maintaining a healthy weight for health reasons are legitimate. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the obesity prevalence […]
Struggles with disordered eating are far more common than many realize. Despite the opinions of some, disordered eating is a significant mental health struggle. Struggles with disordered eating affect people of every age, gender identity, background, race, in sexual orientation. Statistics provided by the National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders indicate as many […]
Laxatives of many kinds are available on the shelves of drug stores, grocery stores, and convenience stores. They are an easy to obtain item that people turn to for a wide variety of reasons. Some people need the assistance of a laxative product to alleviate occasional constipation due to medical treatments, age-related functional change, or […]
Most children go through phases of picky or fussy eating at some point. To the frustration of their parents, kiddos will suddenly refuse foods they once excitedly ate while turning their noses up at pretty much anything new or different that is placed before them. In most cases, this is normal and often doesn’t last […]
Disordered eating and struggles with food affect millions of people across the nation. Eating disorders such as anorexia, bulimia, and others affect at least nine percent of the world’s population. In the United States, at least thirty million Americans will have an eating disorder at some point in their lifetime. Disordered eating often leads to […]
PTSD or post-traumatic stress disorder is often associated with military veterans returning from war, police officers in the line of duty, or others who experience and witness horrible things as part of their career path. While these individuals are often significantly impacted by post-traumatic stress disorder, the symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder can affect anyone […]
Mania is a common symptom of bipolar disorder. Bipolar disorder, one of several conditions classified as mood disorders, can cause you to experience episodes of extreme emotional lows alternating with extreme emotional highs. These altered mood states are known as mania and depression. There are varying types of bipolar disorder, and therefore, the severity and […]