Manic episodes are a key characteristic of bipolar disorder, a mental health disorder which causes the sufferer to experience extreme lows (depression) and highs (mania). There are two types of bipolar disorder and the frequency and severity of manic episodes help doctors to determine which type you suffer from. You are said to have Bipolar […]
Psychosis is a mental health disorder which causes people to interpret or perceive things in a different way from other people around them. Sometimes, this takes the form of delusions or hallucinations. Psychosis is a frightening problem, both for the person who is suffering and those around them witnessing the way the condition affects them. […]
Body Dysmorphia (sometimes known as BDD or body dysmorphic disorder) is a mental health condition in which the sufferer continuously worries about the flaws they perceive in their appearance. Usually, those flaws go unnoticed by others. People can suffer from body dysmorphia at any age. However, young adults and teenagers are most susceptible. Some people […]
Laxatives are a type of medicine which is normally used for treating constipation. They work by softening stools so they’re easier to pass or by stimulating your lower intestines so they can push stools out more easily. Although doctors sometimes recommend the use of laxatives on occasion for those who suffer from constipation, there’s a dark side […]
Our society is on guard for signs of teen and child eating disorders. Children today have manifested signs of anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and binge eating disorder. What we as leaders have not done is give parents and professionals the tools to recognize eating disorders in children so that they can manage them as adults. […]
All of us have stress in our lives. We have our moments, and we all deal with them in our ways. But, there is a fine line between having stress and having a stress disorder. By definition, a stress disorder is something persistent that cannot be addressed without medical or psychological intervention. That’s not to […]
In our busy culture, where no one is slowing down, stress can peak with very few outside triggers and cause both immediate and long-lasting harm. School can cause stress when we don’t prioritize our time and stay organized and focused. Our work can cause us stress, from impossible deadlines to conflicts with workers. Our society […]
When it comes to eating disorders, bulimia and anorexia are the best-known conditions which affect people of both sexes and of all ages. However, there is another eating disorder which receives a lot less attention from the media and which has barely been heard of by the general public, but which is no less important […]
ARFID is an often misunderstood condition, and in fact, many people haven’t even heard of it. If you’re one of those people, this article will give you more information about this eating disorder. The acronym ARFID stands for Avoidant/Restrictive Food Intake Disorder. While most people are aware of anorexia and bulimia – the two most […]
Life After An Adult Eating Disorder Although some people still think that adult eating disorders represent a lifestyle choice, in fact, the truth is that an eating disorder is a severe mental health condition. People of all races, ages, social demographics, and genders can be affected, and since eating disorders bring social physical and psychological […]