Work can be extremely stressful. Even for those who don’t suffer from any kind of mental health disorder, the workplace can cause anxiety and stress. However, for most people, there are a number of ameliorating factors that make the job bearable, or even enjoyable. Positive relationships with colleagues and managers can minimize the anxiety and […]
Any eating disorder is a mental illness which involves disordered patterns of eating. Whether this means limiting how much food is consumed, purging food in an unhealthy way or eating excessive quantities in a short space of time, eating disorders aren’t really about food but instead about emotions and feelings. Essentially, the way the individual […]
Eating disorders cause a host of issues that affect every area of your life. However, one area which receives little attention is that of sexuality. Yet for many sufferers, sex is a major problem for those who suffer from all kinds of eating disorders, from anorexia to binge eating disorder. Low sex drive, lack of […]
Most people develop habits which then act as a way of coping with stress. Unfortunately, many of those habits are negative ones. These are called coping mechanisms, and they help us to get through difficult situations in which we find ourselves. However, by its nature, a coping mechanism is simply avoiding the issue in hand, […]
A few years ago, the term “clean eating” was virtually unheard of. However, thanks to social media it’s a trend that has really taken off. Organic food is more popular than ever before, and more people are opting to switch to a vegan lifestyle. What is behind this change? Health and wellness bloggers and Instagram […]
Mental illnesses don’t just go away because summer is here, and for those who struggle with mental health disorders, this time of year can be especially difficult. There are a number of reasons why summertime can be such a struggle for those who have problems like anxiety or depression, and here, we take a closer […]
In recent years, the topic of men’s mental health has come to the fore. Researchers now warn of a silent epidemic arising in the male population, with more men that ever suffering from mental health disorders. Although mental illness can affect women and men alike, it’s generally believed that fewer men suffer from mental health […]
Eating disorders have the potential to be very dangerous or even deadly. Those who suffer often experience complications affecting all their bodily systems. As a result, they often need to receive residential eating disorder treatment in a dedicated facility where they can get the essential help that they need to get better. A residential treatment […]
Knowing how to communicate more effectively will help other people to better understand you and will help you to make yourself better understood. However, mental distress affects communication, and that means that it can be hard to find the right words to express yourself, even if you’re usually an articulate person. Knowing how to communicate […]
Do you feel as if you have a compulsive need to overeat? If so, you could be addicted to food. The idea of suffering from food isn’t a new one. After all, Overeaters Anonymous (also known as OA) was first launched in 1960 in Los Angeles. However, the idea hasn’t widely been accepted until the […]