“On a bad day, someone talking about a diet or how much weight they have lost, or someone saying you look well, can completely push you over the edge.” – Emma (Source: Beat UK) “[Your eating disorder] is controlling you. It wants you to be scared of recovery, it wants you to maintain your behaviors, […]
Everyone has heard the phrase “you need to love yourself before anyone else will be able to love you”. However, how do you go about loving yourself? What does loving yourself really mean? The essence of loving yourself really comes down to trying to stress less and to take the time to show yourself that […]
Dr. Christine Blasey-Ford’s testimony in front of the United States Senate is memorable for many reasons, but survivors of trauma will likely remember it for the haunting yet accurate statements she made on the effects of sexual assault on her life. “I did my best to suppress memories of the assault because recounting the details […]
“Perhaps stating that ‘my problem is over’ is not entirely accurate. Bulimia for me is an , which is comparable to any other . As someone who was addicted to binging and purging and has now stopped this cycle; I have been termed a ‘recovering bulimic.'” — Markie LC Blumer, Ph.D., in 1993 “At the […]
You might remember the movie Soul Surfer about the professional surfer Bethany Hamilton. In 2003, when Bethany was a teenager, a 14-foot tiger shark bit off her left arm. Bethany’s story is exemplary not only for her bravery but also for her use of healthy coping mechanisms to deal with the trauma she experienced. Following […]
Many of us wonder if we should count calories to lose weight — and everyone from Harvard University to the U.S. government seems to say ‘yes.’ But as Caroline Dooner, author of The F*ck It Diet, puts it, “It’s not that calorie counting & calorie restriction won’t result in weight loss, it (often) will. The […]
It’s well known that when someone has an eating disorder their body is severely affected. However, many people fail to realize the impact that the problem has on their mind and the way that they think. Eating disorders begin in the brain. Not only that, but they also cause health problems including brain damage, which […]
“I have time blindness. No matter how much I try or prepare, I’m always 5-30 minutes late and rushing.” — Carrie “I go on autopilot when I start wandering or doing things on muscle memory and I forget where I go and where I put things.” — Kimberlea “I constantly worry that every decision I […]
Depression is an isolating and lonely illness, but getting some support from other people can help to keep sufferers going. The numbers of sufferers are increasing year on year. In Los Angeles County alone, reports of depression have gone up since 1999 by 50%. Yet, it’s often difficult to know when to get help, and […]
In recent years it has become evident that many people leaving the military suffer from a condition known as PTSD or post traumatic stress disorder. Sufferers find it difficult to readjust to civilian life, feeling emotionally disconnected and numb, on edge, or close to panic. These symptoms make it hard to cope with everyday life, […]