Most people understand bipolar disorder as a mood disorder with two primary symptoms: manic episodes and depressive episodes. While there are different bipolar diagnoses, each experiences mania, and depression to varying degrees. The intensity and severity of the emotional highs and lows you experience with bipolar disorder will vary based on your specific diagnosis. Despite […]
Over the last half-century, the push to destigmatize mental illness has led to increasing coverage about mental health across many outlets. Today it is possible to find online articles, reference tools, podcasts, televisions shows, and even documentaries about the evolving face of mental health. Yet, with the good also comes the bad. For decades, horror […]
Eating disorders are illness that affects the lives of millions of American’s of all ages. Despite a long-standing misconception, it is essential to remember that an eating disorder is not a struggle “by choice” or “in the head” of the person suffering. The statistics from the National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders or […]
Eating disorders are more common than many people realize. Some statistics suggest as many as 30 million Americans of all ages and genders have at least one eating disorder. Without help from a professional treatment program like The Meadowglade, the long-term effects of eating disorders can lead to dangerous, potentially fatal consequences. Unfortunately, a great […]
Coping mechanisms are tools we use to deal with challenging or unpleasant things. People may develop a coping mechanism to manage stress, deal with pain, or address the symptoms and challenges related to trauma or another struggle. Unfortunately, unhealthy (harmful, adverse, or negative) coping mechanisms are used more frequently than positive ones. It is important […]
Anxiety and depression are listed independently in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual for Mental Disorders (DSM); there is a solid and notable link between these mental health conditions. Although it is possible and not uncommon to receive a diagnosis of either anxiety or depression, it is also equally likely to struggle with both conditions simultaneously. […]
We have all heard the saying, “you have to love yourself before….” The phrase ends often depends on the individual providing their thoughts or the situation the advice pertains to. In truth, self-love and self-compassion are vital aspects of our mental health and overall well-being. But, unfortunately, they are something many fail to give ample […]
There are many reasons why people feel anxiety. Depending on the circumstances, anxiety can arise for positive and negative reasons. Anxiety is a natural and sometimes healthy emotion. Happy events can produce anxiety. For example, moving, starting a new job, getting married, having a baby, and buying a house. When people experience anxiety for “happy” […]
At some point, we have all interacted with someone we are sure was a narcissist. We have all met that person whose personality and behavior rub everyone around them the wrong way. But while narcissism is a word used frequently to describe people with specific personality characteristics, not everyone understands what narcissism is and whether […]
Social media provides people all over the world with a quick and easy way to connect with friends and loved ones. Each year Pew Research Center provides statistics around trends in social media use. The first surveys took place in 2005. At the time, only 5% of American adults used social media programs. Within a […]