A few years ago, the term “clean eating” was virtually unheard of. However, thanks to social media it’s a trend that has really taken off. Organic food is more popular than ever before, and more people are opting to switch to a vegan lifestyle. What is behind this change? Health and wellness bloggers and Instagram […]
Mental illnesses don’t just go away because summer is here, and for those who struggle with mental health disorders, this time of year can be especially difficult. There are a number of reasons why summertime can be such a struggle for those who have problems like anxiety or depression, and here, we take a closer […]
In recent years, the topic of men’s mental health has come to the fore. Researchers now warn of a silent epidemic arising in the male population, with more men that ever suffering from mental health disorders. Although mental illness can affect women and men alike, it’s generally believed that fewer men suffer from mental health […]
Eating disorders have the potential to be very dangerous or even deadly. Those who suffer often experience complications affecting all their bodily systems. As a result, they often need to receive residential eating disorder treatment in a dedicated facility where they can get the essential help that they need to get better. A residential treatment […]
Knowing how to communicate more effectively will help other people to better understand you and will help you to make yourself better understood. However, mental distress affects communication, and that means that it can be hard to find the right words to express yourself, even if you’re usually an articulate person. Knowing how to communicate […]
Do you feel as if you have a compulsive need to overeat? If so, you could be addicted to food. The idea of suffering from food isn’t a new one. After all, Overeaters Anonymous (also known as OA) was first launched in 1960 in Los Angeles. However, the idea hasn’t widely been accepted until the […]
Manic episodes are a key characteristic of bipolar disorder, a mental health disorder which causes the sufferer to experience extreme lows (depression) and highs (mania). There are two types of bipolar disorder and the frequency and severity of manic episodes help doctors to determine which type you suffer from. You are said to have Bipolar […]
Psychosis is a mental health disorder which causes people to interpret or perceive things in a different way from other people around them. Sometimes, this takes the form of delusions or hallucinations. Psychosis is a frightening problem, both for the person who is suffering and those around them witnessing the way the condition affects them. […]
Body Dysmorphia (sometimes known as BDD or body dysmorphic disorder) is a mental health condition in which the sufferer continuously worries about the flaws they perceive in their appearance. Usually, those flaws go unnoticed by others. People can suffer from body dysmorphia at any age. However, young adults and teenagers are most susceptible. Some people […]
Laxatives are a type of medicine which is normally used for treating constipation. They work by softening stools so they’re easier to pass or by stimulating your lower intestines so they can push stools out more easily. Although doctors sometimes recommend the use of laxatives on occasion for those who suffer from constipation, there’s a dark side […]