some of the signs of orthorexia are having an obsession with not eating foods that contain artificial sweeteners, preservatives, animal fat, sugar, and dairy.
Orthorexia is a mental health condition that is characterized by obsessively eating a restrictive or healthy diet. It’s a way of eating that focuses on the purity of the food, the cleanliness of the food and health of the food. A person who is obsessed with the food content, the nutritional intake and how it was made or grown.
Some of the signs of orthorexia are having an obsession with not eating foods that contain artificial sweeteners, preservatives, animal fat, sugar, and dairy. A person with orthorexia may avoid food that have been genetically modified or contain dairy. This sounds fairly normal, especially for those who are into nutrition and planning meals, however, when it becomes obsessive to the point of damaging their own wellbeing, is orthorexia.
The emotional effects of orthorexia are similar to those that accompany bulimia nervosa and anorexia nervosa. These include, but are not limited to:
- Feelings of self-consciousness or guilt when not following strict dietary guidelines
- Obsessive meal planning
- Judging critically those who do not adhere to the strict food consumption rules by which they govern their own nutritional restrictions
- Avoiding eating or consuming foods prepared by others
- Mood swings
- The feeling of loneliness or isolation
- Anxiety
At The Meadowglade we develop individualized treatment plans to help you identify the root cause of your eating disorder and help you learn how to eat a healthy and nutritional diet and avoid the negative impact on your personal life and physical health caused by Orthorexia.
At The Meadowglade, we help you navigate through mental health challenges so that you are able to live a healthy, happy life.
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