Our facilities include a business center with office workstation areas, computers and internet facilities
The Meadowglade’s programming offers guided support and counseling for clients who attend our programs and would like to:
- Pursue educational programs, tertiary study, or apprenticeship programs to gain tools and skills in their desired fields of interest in order to ultimately enter the career world;
- Seek job placements (after desired study / apprenticeship programs have already been completed);
- Continue to work long distance at their regular job placements while attending The Meadowglade’s program.
Our facilities include a business center with office workstation areas, computers and internet facilities so that clients in any one of the above categories will have the ability, with the guide and support of The Meadowglade directors and personal counselors, to continue on their desired courses of independent work/study living.
1. For clients seeking educational programs, tertiary study, or apprenticeship programs:
The Meadowglade counselors will help to guide these searches through a focused approach to both short and long term education and career goals. Clients will be trained for application processes, including, cover letter writing, interview preparation, and presentation techniques. Once a program is secured, remote schooling is facilitated and coordinated. Counseling is also provided on how to balance schooling requirements together with rehabilitation programming and sustained wellness.
2. For clients seeking job placements:
The Meadowglade counselors will assist with career research; resume building; cover letter writing; job searches and application processes; interview preparation and presentation techniques. Once a position is secured, long distance work arrangements can be coordinated during the client’s rehabilitation at The Meadowglade.
3. For clients seeking to continue working remotely with their current workplaces:
The Meadowglade counselors will facilitate and coordinate long distance work arrangements during the rehabilitation program so that clients can smoothly return to their regular work schedule after their leave of absence. Simultaneously, counseling is provided on how to structure and manage the client’s career responsibilities and workload during their rehabilitation leave, while still sustaining a state of wellness.
We take pride in the fact that our program directors and personal counselors are finely skilled and experienced to creatively find the best solutions and guide each client based on individual circumstances. We aim to help clients restructure responsibilities, balance and focus priorities in order to enable them to continue on a productive work/study path while at The Meadowglade, but more importantly to ensure a smooth transition and easy return to their regular daily work/study routine, without undue hardship, post rehabilitation.
At The Meadowglade, we help you navigate through mental health challenges so that you are able to live a healthy, happy life.
Click our phone number to call us, or simply request a callback.